Monday, July 13, 2015

It's sad that bad things have to happen in order for us to stop, realize and learn.

Dear blog,

Reasons or just excuses?

When things end on bad terms, they say it happens for a reason but truth be told no one can explain the purpose of it. Most of the time people use that sentences for the sake of cheering someone up, sometimes it works but there are times it doesn't, that's when your mind wanders and wait for that reason to show up. There are many reasons out there you can think of but the hardest part is not knowing whether it is right or wrong. Even until now it seems pointless to figure out why it happened, it's not like the person who cause all this trouble will return to find you to talk things over or give you a second chance about it. So even if there are reasons behind everything, it's better not to know because you may end up in tears for something that's not worth any.

Signing out,